SpiritBoard Instructions

Other Notes

This section of the instruction manual covers various other issues:


User Titles

User titles are dictated by the number of messages that you post:

0 - Gazer
1 - Seeker
25 - Traveller
50 - Sojourner
100 - Disciple
250 - Monk
500 - Abbot
1000 - Shaman
2000 - Guru
4000 - Master
8000 - Great Master
16000 - Ascended Master

Some users have special statuses. A Moderator has the ability to edit posts in the boards which they control. The Administrator runs the forum.


User Statuses

User status denotes what 'powers' a user has:

  • Administrator

    Complete control over the entire forum system.

  • Chief Moderator

    The ability to edit and approve posts on all boards.

  • Moderator

    The ability to edit and approve posts on the boards that they moderate.

  • Assistant Moderator

    The ability to edit and approve posts on the boards that they moderate.

  • User

    Registered users who can make posts.

  • Guest

    Unregistered users (or users who have not logged in) who can only read posts on a few boards.


Logging Out

Once you have finished using the forum you should log out. This is not critical but it does let people know that you are no longer active in the forum. However, if you use a computer that is used by others as well, you really need to log out, otherwise others could use your username and post, edit your profile etc., so especially if you log in e.g. from a library of internet cafe, you need to log out.


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